Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thankful Thursday

5 Things: Thankful Thursday

I have a beautiful friend and her name is Megan. Since she has been married, I call her Meg Craig, but sometimes I go back to our Middle School days and call her Meggerz. Anyway, she has a blog for her business, New Eve Jewelry, and sometimes she posts lists on Thursdays called "5 Things Thursday". I love the idea and I know I love reading her posts, so I want to do the same thing for AMP. Here are five things I am thankful for.

1. The opportunity to collaborate with Jesse. I have many projects on my to-do list this summer and one of them was to collaborate with Jesse. I still want to create a mini zine together, but I am so thankful that Asylum Lake gave us that push and opportunity to start collaborating now. We have been working like crazy in the past five days and we are almost finished. We definitely work well together and I'm excited to eventually show everyone what we've been creating. It also helps that Jesse loved my design layout =) The last step is to write our personal bio...I think that will be fun but Jesse disagrees because he's a crotchety old man! (His words, not mine)
2. Shoes. Now this sounds stupid after I just had such a sweet #1, but one of my best friends, Niki, gave me a pair of black boots last Halloween. At first, it was because I had rain boots on that did NOT go with my costume and she politely looked at my shoes and then immediately went to her closet. She grabbed a pair and said, "Here, try these on." I completely feel in love with them and she told me to just keep them because she never wears them anymore. Yesterday I was looking for something to match my outfit and the weather, rediscovering these beauties (see picture below). They are everything I love: black, boots, zippers, buckles, and strings. Plus, it's from a great friend and makes for a good story =)
3. Coffee and a barista for a boyfriend. Let's be real. I am ALWAYS thankful for coffee. I think I was born with coffee in my blood. Let me just rant about how much I love coffee for a minute... I love the taste and the smell. I love how it warms my hands and it makes me sooo happy. A bonus for me is that Jesse always makes me coffee. I love sitting at Starbucks while he works, drinking coffee and working on my projects. He usually smells like coffee too! Mmmm. (Okay, I recognize that I have a problem, an addiction. But on this rainy Thursday, I am definitely thankful for the warm cup of coffee that Jesse brought me.)

4.  Ambition, inspiration, and time. Since I have come home from my graduation vacation (Disney World!), I made to-do lists and developed project ideas to satisfy the artsy part of me. These are things that I haven't been able to do while in school because there was just never extra time. I am grateful to be surrounded by creative friends and an artsy community that have inspired me to do the things I love. I am submitting photographs to local publications, drawing cartoons and cards, and working on zine ideas. I have about a million of those! There is so much more on that list but in the past few weeks, I have already accomplished so much. I'm so thankful to be ambitious, inspired, and have free time to satisfy my artsy soul.
5. Education and computers. After working on this collaboration for Asylum Lake, I must say I am so thankful that I learned how to use design programs. Having this knowledge has helped me with my creative projects as well as creating my own business cards. I am also grateful that my computer died when it did. It lasted through my entire college career (...7 years...) and I was forced to buy a new computer that has more space and better capabilities for what I need it for. I wouldn't have created the things that I have in the past month without my education or computers.

“There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept.”
Ansel Adams

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