Friday, July 12, 2013

There's Not Enough Coffee in the Coffee Pot for Me

I'm in that transition phase of Post-Graduation-Pre-Career and let me tell you, it has its ups and downs.

One big down is that I'm not getting hours at work and that has a lot to do with corporate cutting hours for the summer. My paychecks are pretty much non-existent at this point and that makes it really difficult to save up for big girl things like a car, moving, and paying off student loans. Looking at the positive to this negative though, it was a huge motivator for me to spend some major time on my portfolio/website and research big girl jobs. However there are only so many hours in the past two days that I can do this. As I am starring at my computer screen for the second shift of 8 hours at Starbucks, I realize that my brain is on overload and I am melting into my seat, morphing into a coffee zombie. I decided that I need a break, hence this post. You may not think so but it is hard to lay out everything that is impressive about myself and think only about me for millions of hours. I can only hope that the end product will be a success.

(Keep your fingers crossed!)

Back to positives though...that is one thing I am grateful for on this Thankful Thursday...motivation and time!

My list of companies that I want to apply to is growing! It is so overwhelming. I'm spending so much time researching companies and finding campaigns that I love and what I can highlight from my experiences that could get me hired.

Another thing that keeps motivating me is my friend, Meg Craig. She also nerds out and appreciates great marketing like I do. So when my career search has been enough for my brain to explode, she reminds me how much I love the field and why I will be great doing it. After talking with her I get excited all over again and then I dive back into the process. With that, here is a shout-out to you, Megan!

I also love to have a million things on my plate. For instance, I want to draw sketches for my printmaking class, work on photography, and start my career. I don't want to sacrifice anything right now and with that I have Jesse serving me endless amounts of coffee. Back to me morphing into a coffee zombie... ;)

On a photography note, I am entering several photographs from London into the Study Abroad Photo Contest. There are four categories: Places, People, Food, and Students Abroad. I think I have decided on the photos for Places and People, but I have two for food and I can't decide. One is of an English Breakfast and the other is of a curry dish (curry is their national dish). It's a toss up! Take a look and let me know if you have any opinions...
Curry Food

English Breakfast

P.S. You have before July 31st to let me know your opinions!
Much love!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Hot in Cleveland!

I had a bit of an impromptu mini vacation to Cleveland for the holiday. While I was there, I managed to convince my family to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Museum, which was awesome. When I was last there in 2009, no one was allowed to take pictures so I assumed those rules still applied and I left my camera at the hotel. Apparently, things change. I didn't get any great photos because I only had my phone, but I must say that having some pictures is way better than none!

We also went to the Cleveland Zoo! That zoo is amazing! Not only do they have so many animals, but the exhibits are fabulous, unique, and fun, the animals are happy and roaming around, AND visitors actually get to view the animals while the animals are enjoying life. You don't have to sacrifice anything at this zoo. I managed to capture some great shots while I was there! Check them out!
Testing the Waters
Polar Baby
There are more photographs from the zoo and other snapshots on my Facebook page:

In other news, I have also turned a few photographs into postcards and those are for sale now on Etsy! Check them out along with other photographs:

Three Owls Update #2

My dear friend V, er Veronica, was the second to finish her postcard! She did some awesome work, adding color, humor, and some additional drawings! I don't know about the rest of you, but I definitely laughed when I saw her alterations! Check it out!

It is pretty much adorable and awesome. I love the bat suit especially! Fabulous work, Veronica!

Whoooo's next!?!? I can't wait to see!
